FIND US: Namugongo
P.O.Box 2055 Kampala, Uganda
OPEN TIME: 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
P.O.Box 2055 Kampala, Uganda
Saturday and Sunday - Closed
In 1941, Sister Philothy from a local religious congregation of Bannabikira Bwanda in Uganda was struck by a strange disease and had to be sent to her brother Andrew Ziryawalamu of Kisubi parish for treatment.
She was diagnosed with bubonic plague, then an epidemic that had tormented the region for generations with no cure. Doctors Ahmed, a Moslem and Reynolds an Anglican recommended their patient to be quarantined, shortly into her quadrant at Rubaga convent in Kampala, sister Philothy passed on and was buried by only two nuns, Sisters. Aloyse Cribet and Richilds at the convent.
Just after the burial, the two nuns showed symptoms of the plague and were also quarantined in the same convent. While on their death bed, with no hopes of medical care, Msgr. Edward Michud and Pere Joseph Cabana, the parish priest of Rubaga at the time called for a two weeks novena through the martyrs for the cure of the nuns.
Protracted prayers were said for three days and the nuns recovered. Rome commissioned specialist to analyses the diagnosis, medicines and interview the two doctors and the conclusion was that not only the medicine the nuns were taking was ineffectively against the plague, but even if it had been effective, it could have produced results in such a short time.
Kalema Levocatus was born on 11th of June 1959 at Bigada catholic parish in Rakai district, he lost his mother Josephine Namuddu, right after his birth, and father a year later. Kalema who had been born with curved legs was left in the care of an aged grandmother, Clara Najjemba. However, the Good Samaritan sisters of Bwanda offered to look after him at their main convent of Bigada Rakai.
The adaption of kalama and his physical disability collided with a time when the Catholic Church was looking for miracles for the canonization of the Uganda Martyrs. When the relics of the martyrs were taken to Bwanda convent, people prayed for the intercession of the martyrs by reciting of novenas.
Every time this happened, the Nuns placed Kalema at the altar in the main church, where the martyrs’ relics were and prayed for him. After, a girl that had been assigned the role of taking and picking him from the church was astonished not to find him where she had placed him earlier, in panic with wailing, she started looking for him only to find him moving among the pews from then, His feet were straight enough to support him.
Office Adress: Located in Namugongo 11 Km from Kampala Capital City P.O.Box 2055 Kampala, Uganda
Tel.+256 392 179 039 (Office)
+256 786 541 999 (Shrine Rector)
+256 702 335 694 (Administrator)
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